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⭐️ Read reviews for Le Wagon: 2018 - 2024

"Le Wagon is not paying teachers in Switzerland. Probably because they are closing the location." 🇨🇭"Thanks for starting this discussion... the teachers and staff in China are also still waiting for ANY form of payment since December." 🇨🇳“Honest review as an alumni & previous teacher assistant… Do not be scammed by them please!” 🇫🇷When you raise anything with them, they threaten you with French Law and legal action... they’re starting to get found out for what they are. 🇬🇧“It really felt that Le Wagon was a business, not a school… Even the campus itself was weird. It was extremely cold, not too well equipped with just a few Ikea tables and not even screens" 🇪🇸“Where do you begin with this place and it’s unqualified teachers and TA’s (these are teaching assistants that are in fact people who just did the last bootcamp and can’t find a real job!)” 🇬🇧

by,A growing group of former Le Wagon alumniIf you'd like to support us, please type "le wagon reviews" on your preferred search engine, scroll until you find this site (lewagonreviews.com), and then click on it.The biggest way you can help is by making this site more visible 🙏

A screenshot from the Le Wagon homepage below. Where is the job outcomes data for the first half of 2023 - and the remaining 22,500 graduates?

⭐️ Reviews for Le Wagon: 2018 - 2024
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Le Wagon stopped paying staff in Switzerland and China.

Originally published: 1st March 2024
Last updated: 25th March, 2024
SUMMARY- At time of original publication, Le Wagon hadn't paid around 20 teaching staff in Switzerland & China since late 2023- After trying to email the senior team at Le Wagon several times and getting tired of vague info & promises about owed payments, a couple of teachers (former students) took to the alumni Slack of 26k+ global members- The Le Wagon CEO responded, claiming Switzerland & China campuses are closing and promising payments in the next 15 days- Le Wagon remove a student who asks why these campuses were continuing to be displayed/advertised online- Le Wagon also remove the original member of staff & ex-student (Switzerland) who started the discussion--Unedited discussion on Le Wagon alumni Slack group:
Names & pictures removed for privacy
RED SPOT = Original poster Teacher #1 (later removed from Slack)
BLUE SPOT = Teacher #2 (former student)GREEN SPOT = Ex-student (removed from Slack)BLACK STAR = Le Wagon founderHere are messages from the #general channel on the Le Wagon Alumni Slack channel, on 28/02/24 and 29/02/24:

The student who asked that last question was subsequently removed from the Slack group, in addition to Kitt (containing access to all bootcamp resources alumni are contractually promised to have access to indefinitely).Le Wagon contacted the student from a generic customer-support email on 29/02/24 (they shared the full email with us, excerpt below):"Dear [student name],We are writing to address a serious matter that has come to our attention. It has been brought to our notice that activities potentially breaching both our Terms and Conditions and the Le Wagon Code of Conduct have been conducted through your use of our KITT platforms and dedicated Slack© space.Upon a preliminary review, it appears that your actions may have involved a wrongful gathering and dissemination of community information, alongside serious accusations that could harm the reputation of Le Wagon...In light of these suspicions and in accordance with the provisions set forth in our Terms of Use and in your Training Agreement, we are compelled to temporarily suspend your access to the KITT platform and to the Slack workspace, effective immediately. This action is taken to prevent any further potential damage and to uphold the integrity of our community and services, along with a focused training environment."UPDATE: The original staff poster from Switzerland (above - "Who else is not getting paid by Le Wagon?") has also been removed from Slack & had access to lifelong learning resources revoked.

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As former students of Le Wagon's web development bootcamp in 2023, in our opinion the bootcamp:1) was mis-sold; using false/misleading job placement data2) with questionable teaching quality; a number of Teaching Assistants were graduates of the bootcamp, with little or no professional experience working as developers in any company (aside from freelance work)3) and little in terms of support; personal or professional, offered both during and post-bootcamp--We were confused by our experience - one which no one else seemed to be talking about on the review sites or in the alumni Slack group.The bootcamp industry is unregulated -- and we feel that bootcamps like Le Wagon are taking advantage of this.We wanted to speak up.A (growing) group of former Le Wagon students 🌍

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Le Wagon is one of the biggest coding bootcamps in the world with 40+ campuses worldwide. They boast about being the #1-rated bootcamp. We only saw pages and pages of glowing reviews online...Many of us who took a Le Wagon bootcamp had a completely different experience. After the course, our messages to Le Wagon to air our disappointment, grievances and concerns were ignored or dismissed.Sadly, the multi-million-pound bootcamp industry is unregulated. Somewhere along the line, this became about more than us. Which is why we put this site together.We've compiled reviews for Le Wagon by ex-students from the UK 🇬🇧, France 🇫🇷, Spain 🇪🇸, Germany 🇩🇪 and around the world 🌍.Please share this site with others who might benefit.We'd like to appear further up on Google searches, so more folks discover it and avoid making a decision they might later regret.=> If you have a moment, type in "reviews for Le Wagon" (or something similar) on Google, scroll to lewagonreviews.com and then click on the link